FNQ loves their ‘EMU’ visit!
In June 2018, the Kofi Foundation supported a one week tour of the RSCPA’s Education Mobile Unit to far north Queensland. You can read more about the program here, but we loved receiving the following participant evaluation feedback recently – especially some of the kids’ comments!!
Student’s favourite part of the EMU Experience
“Having the vet section with micro-chip scanner, and medical equipment.”
“All of the ‘play’ centres particularly the vet area.”
“Rescue the cat and hot car.”
“I couldn’t pick a favourite, it was all great!!!!!”
“Being a vet, the wildlife display, the computers and microchip scanner were often mentioned.”
Students talk about their EMU experience
“Had a great time and I can’t wait to come back.”
“I am so going home to take my dog for a walk, on a lead.”
“I wish we didn’t have to leave.” – Year 2 student
“I have learned that pets have to be taken care of” – Prep student
“This is the best thing I have ever done” – Year 1 student
“WOW!!! I wish I could stay all day.” – Year 4 student
“I thought I knew about animals but I even learned something. I will be able to teach the little kids.” – Year 2 student
“Can you come back next year and teach us more about animals?” – Year 2 student
“I am going home and make sure my dog has a microchip as I would be very sad if he got lost and I didn’t get him back.” – Year 3 student
“I am going to be a vet and look after farm animals because it seems that some people don’t care what happens to them” – Year 6 student
Teacher’s comments
All teachers strongly agreed that their children enjoyed the experience. Some of the specific comments included:
“Great balance of discussion and hands-on learning.”
“Something for each learning style.”
“The session had age appropriate activities and discussion.”
“The children had a fantastic and informative visit.”
“The interactive nature of the unit was inclusive of all children.”
“This is what early education should be.”
Links with curriculum comments
“The activities are very effective in supporting the units of work in the new national curriculum.”
“Lower grades do a unit in living things, so perfect fit.”
“Endangered animals and community groups are middle and upper units.”
“Helpful community groups have been studied fitting in beautifully.